
Friday 12 April 2013

Street Urchins Pics

We did our first play on the 7th April Here are some of the pictures

                                              Lulu and Martha on stage

                                                       The Analog and digital city council

                                                   The digital and Matha on the tax scene

                                                The city coucil and martha on stage

                                                Kanyoto and Martha on stage!

                                                   The street Urchins and Martha on stage

                                                   Muse and Kanyoto on stage

                                                 Muse and Kanyoto on stage

                                                     Nyasi, Muse and Kanyoto on stage

                                               Polly, Nyasi, Muse and Kanyoto on stage

                                                   Kanyoto and Polly on stage; love scene

                                                    Martha on stage

                                                    Nyasi and Muse off stage

                                                          Nyasi, Kanyoto and Muse off stage

                                         The Police man and street urchins on stage Drugs scene

                                                  Analog city council and the street Urchins

                                              Analog city council and the street Urchins

                                                            The street Urchins

                                                          Rekindle Flame on stage

                                                          Kanyoto being harrased by Martha

                                                                Rekindle Flame on stage
We having the same play on the 13th April 2013 at St Andrews Church P.C.E.A State house road, come and find out what goes down in the streets; and why we have so many street urchins and beggers in the streets. we added alittle bit of humor but the rest is inspired by true events.
Bringing the streets on stage!

See y'll there!

Synopsis for Street Urchins

Kanyoto is a dreamer!
Leaving in the streets is never an option!..... He has to change everything, from his mind to the society's perspection of "STREET LIFE." Determined to pursue this, no one believes in him! Hope is his only element. The fight for transition begins as he faces the Government officials, friends, side kicks and hooligans. what will he do to achieve his pursuit.....
Come watch dramatic turn of events in the streets! As Kanyoto is left on the verge!

We are bringing street on stage

Life on the street

You cant miss this!

Time:2:30 PM- 4 PM{1ST SHOW} ,4:30 PM-6:00 PM {2ND SHOW
Amount: 500 KSH at the gate
400 KSH Advance

Date: 13th APRIL

For more info call 0724 397 676, 0721 157 070.

or email: