What do you consider as a good moment?
That is a question i tend to ask myself at times, some people tend to think that in order to have a good moment you have to have some things present like lots of money, Drinks, friends, popularity, etc. Well I don’t think that's the true meaning of Good moments. I think when you have the company of people you cherish and love in your midst that's a very treasurable moment.
I also think that some of the Best Moments in Life are:-
* To fall in love.
* To go for a vacation to some pretty place.
* To listen to your favorite song in the radio.
* To go to bed and to listen while it rains outside.
* To clear your last exam.
* To find money in a pant that you haven't used since last year .
* Calls at midnight that last for hours.
* To accidentally hear somebody say something good about you.
* To hear a song that makes you remember a special person.
* To be part of a team.
* To watch the sunset from the hill top.
* To make new friends.
* To feel butterflies! in the stomach every time that you see that person.
* To pass time with your best friends.
* To see people that you like, feeling happy.
* See an old friend again and to feel that the things have not changed.
* To have somebody tell you that he/she loves you.
These are the best moments of life....
and much more
Let us learn to cherish them.
"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed"
* To fall in love.
* To go for a vacation to some pretty place.
* To listen to your favorite song in the radio.
* To go to bed and to listen while it rains outside.
* To clear your last exam.
* To find money in a pant that you haven't used since last year .
* Calls at midnight that last for hours.
* To accidentally hear somebody say something good about you.
* To hear a song that makes you remember a special person.
* To be part of a team.
* To watch the sunset from the hill top.
* To make new friends.
* To feel butterflies! in the stomach every time that you see that person.
* To pass time with your best friends.
* To see people that you like, feeling happy.
* See an old friend again and to feel that the things have not changed.
* To have somebody tell you that he/she loves you.
These are the best moments of life....
and much more
Let us learn to cherish them.
"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be enjoyed"